Yuiko Asaba

Back to all Yuiko Asaba is Lecturer (equiv. Assistant Professor) in Music at SOAS University of London. She is the author of the forthcoming book, titled Tango in Japan: Cosmopolitanism Beyond the West, currently in production with the University of Hawai‘i Press for publication in 2024. Her research examines the significant presence of Latin American […]
Christophe Apprill

Back to all Christophe Apprill is a sociologist and dancer at Aix-Marseille University, Mediation Culturelle De L’Art in Marseille, France. He is the author of numerous books relating to dance, gender, and society including Slow. Désir et disillusion (2021), Les mondes du bal (2018), and L’invention politique de la danse contemporaine (forthcoming, 2024).